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Our Head of Partnerships, Rachel Murray, travelled down to London last week for a SaaS roundtable event with ADAMAPP & Two Fresh. The guests explored the do’s and don’ts for SaaS businesses in competitive markets. 💡

If you couldn’t join us this time, here are Rachel’s takeaways from the event:

  • To stand out from the crowd in the B2B SaaS market, you need to leverage storytelling and address customer pain points within your thought leadership content.
  • To ensure you understand those pain points and you’re telling your story to people who will listen and take action, creating accurate buyer personas is a vital first step.
  • Make sure you partner with the right people to promote your brand such as key influencers for your target audience.
  • Lowering customer churn is key in the SaaS space – you need to offer excellent customer support and consistently create value. Leveraging social media is a great way to achieve this, as well as offering customisable solutions and engaging your customers before and after purchasing your software.
  • Getting people to move from a freemium model to a paying customer is often a big pain point for SaaS brands. You need to nurture your audience with content, create a sense of urgency with the messaging, and leverage your most valuable features.
  • It’s important to create a great onboarding experience and make it easy for your customers to move away from the freemium model.
  • Have a test and learn culture – continually trying and then evaluating successes and failures is vital to growth.

Check out Rachel’s LinkedIn post here for more details.