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We live in a world where in the workplace women can find themselves facing an uphill battle, with fewer chances to take on leadership roles and unfair treatment under different sets of rules.


Our recent Women in Leadership webinar had two incredible speakers, Alice Rose, MD at Fountain Partnership and Kirsty Jarvis, Founder and CEO of Luminous PR, sharing their experiences – and navigating the tech gremlins that came our way perfectly!

As a society we’re becoming increasingly aware of the drain on our energy. The never-ending cycle of expectations and demands. And for women, is there still an expectation to dress a certain way, strike the right balance of makeup, keep your personal life hidden while juggling home life? And suppress emotions, putting on a ‘brave face’ no matter what.


Alice and Kirsty, both experienced professionals are flying high in what may be perceived as a ‘man’s industry. So, what does it feel like to break through into male-dominated spaces, and how can we encourage the women that are following them?

Kirsty and Alice covered things including their career journey so far, the frustrations and improvements they have seen along the way, workplace support for women’s health, starting a family and much more.

Take some time to watch this open and honest session celebrating women’s achievements and how everyone can support creating a more inclusive future in leadership roles.